Houston Got Absoultely Hosed Vs Texas With One Of The Worst Spots You Will See On A First Down

The Texas Is Back crowd sure loves this one. Even after a crushing loss to Oklahoma two weeks ago, you know the dream for viewers and The Big 12 is to have a rematch of Oklahoma Texas. It seems as if the message got to the refs pretty clearly after seeing this spot late in the game. What a screwjob ! 

The announcers knew right away. What are we talking about here ? The First Down line was the 9, he was clearly over it, and at worst not near the 10 like they marked him. Just an absolutely awful spot. Im amazed Dana Holgorsen didn't tossed after this. Hell, I would have gone out in handcuffs. What an absolute screwjob. Damn shame. Just a damn shame. 

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